4th Sunday of Lent

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Today, we find ourselves at the heart of Lent, a season of repentance and renewal. And in this sacred time, the Church presents to us one of the most beautiful and moving parables ever told by Jesus – the Parable of the Prodigal Son. This story is not just about a wayward child; it is about a loving Father, a forgiving heart, and a home that is always open.

The younger son in the parable is often seen as the main character. He asks for his inheritance while his father is still alive—a shocking act, almost like saying, “Father, you are dead to me.” He then leaves home, squanders everything in reckless living, and soon finds himself in misery, feeding pigs—a humiliating job for a Jew.

But something powerful happens. In his lowest moment, the Gospel says, “he came to his senses” (Luke 15:17). He remembers his father—not as a strict ruler, but as someone whose servants are better off than he is. This memory gives him the courage to return home, even if only as a servant.

How often do we find ourselves in his shoes? We chase after fleeting pleasures, distant dreams, and worldly happiness, only to end up feeling empty and lost. Lent is a time for us to “come to our senses,” to recognize where we have wandered away from God and to take the first step back toward Him.

The true hero of this parable is not the younger son, but the Father. While the son was still far away, the father saw him and ran to him, embraced him, and kissed him. In those days, it was considered undignified for an elderly man to run. But love makes the father forget his dignity—he only sees his beloved child coming home.

The father does not ask, “Where have you been? What have you done with my money?” Instead, he restores him completely: putting the best robe on him (symbolizing honor), a ring on his finger (signifying belonging), and sandals on his feet (showing that he is a son, not a slave).

This, my dear friends, is the heart of God! No matter how far we have gone, no matter how deep our sins are, our heavenly Father is always waiting, ready to welcome us back. God’s love is not about punishment—it is about restoration.

The elder son, instead of rejoicing at his brother’s return, is filled with resentment. He complains, “I have served you all these years, yet you never gave me even a young goat to celebrate with my friends” (Luke 15:29).

His heart is revealed: he does not truly see himself as a son, but as a servant who earns love through obedience. He is physically close to the father, but spiritually distant.

Many of us might relate to him. We may be faithful in our religious duties, yet find it hard to forgive, hard to rejoice when others receive God’s mercy. This parable invites us not only to repent like the younger son, but also to heal our hardened hearts like the elder son.

This parable is not just a story—it is our story. Some of us may be like the younger son, lost in sin but longing to return. Some may be like the elder son, outwardly obedient but struggling with resentment. And yet, all of us are called to become like the father—to reflect God’s mercy, to welcome others home, and to rejoice in the power of forgiveness.

May we open our hearts to the God who runs toward us, embraces us, and welcomes us home. Because no matter how far we have strayed, our true home is always in the Father’s heart.


3rd Sunday of Lent

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we journey through this holy season of Lent, the Word of God today invites us to reflect deeply on our spiritual lives. It reminds us of three important truths: God is patient, He calls us to repentance, and He desires that we bear good fruit.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of a fig tree that had not borne fruit for three years. The owner wanted to cut it down, but the gardener pleaded:
"Leave it alone for one more year, and I will dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down."

This is a beautiful image of God’s mercy. Just as the gardener does not give up on the tree, God never gives up on us. Even when we fail, even when we fall into sin, He gives us another chance.

Think of how many times we have strayed from God, yet He patiently waits for us to return. Like the gardener, He nourishes our hearts through His Word, the Sacraments, and His grace, always hoping we will respond.

At the beginning of the Gospel, people come to Jesus with news about a tragedy—Pilate had killed some Galileans. They thought these people had suffered because of their sins. But Jesus corrects them and says:
"Unless you repent, you will all perish as they did."

Jesus is not saying that tragedies are punishments from God. Instead, He is telling us that life is fragile, and we must not take our time for granted. Repentance is not something we should postpone.

Too often, we think, "I will change later, I will pray more when I have time, I will forgive when I feel ready." But Jesus warns us: we do not know how much time we have. The time to turn back to God is now.

In the first reading, we see Moses encountering God in the burning bush. God calls him by name and gives him a mission. Just as God called Moses, He is also calling each of us.

Sometimes, we feel unworthy, like Moses did. We may think, "Who am I, Lord, that you would call me?" But God does not call the perfect—He perfects those whom He calls. If we listen to His voice and trust in Him, He will lead us where we need to go.

Lent is not just about avoiding sin—it is about bearing fruit. A tree that does not bear fruit is not fulfilling its purpose. Likewise, if we are not growing in love, kindness, and holiness, we are wasting the life God has given us.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I growing in my relationship with God?

  • Do I show love and patience in my family and community?

  • Do I forgive others as God forgives me?

  • Am I using my talents and blessings to help those in need?

God has given us many opportunities to grow. But we must respond. We cannot remain spiritually lazy, thinking we have all the time in the world.

My dear friends, God is calling us today—not tomorrow—to examine our lives, to repent sincerely, and to bear good fruit. He is patient, but one day, our time will run out. Let us not waste this season of grace.

May our hearts be open to His love, and may we bear fruit that will last.


2nd Sunday of Lent

On this second Sunday of Lent, the church encourages us not to rest in the material comforts of this world. Rather, we should march towards the promised land and our future glory. If we succeed in getting there, the Lord in whom we put our trust, and faith will transfigure our mortal bodies into the likeness of his glorified body.

Today, our first reading and gospel have a lot in common. Both of them narrate the revelation of the glory and splendor of the future. First, due to Abraham’s faith, God revealed to him the glory that would be his in the future. Not only did God reveal this to Abraham, but he also sealed it with a covenant. This is an assurance that He will fulfill his promise to Abraham.

In the gospel, Jesus revealed his future glory to Peter, James, and John, who are collectively referred to by Bible scholars as: “Members of the inner circle.” They saw the glory and splendor of God revealed in Christ, who represents the New Covenant; in Moses, who represents the Law; and in Elijah, who represents the Prophets. The transfiguration of Christ before His disciples is of great significance and has lots of lessons for us.

Christ could have gone to the mountain alone, but he decided to take them with him. This was to assure His disciples that they were not wasting their time following him. He did it to increase and strengthen their faith in Him. He did it to resolve the argument about his personality. Most importantly, He did it to assure us of the future glory we would enjoy if we remain faithful to the end.

Another important lesson we must learn from today’s gospel comes from this narrative: “Peter and his companions were heavy with sleep, but they remained awake and saw his glory.” Of course, after a stressful day of mountain climbing, the disciples were tired.

However, because they were curious and wanted to know why Christ brought them there, they struggled to be awake. Physically, they were asleep, but spiritually, they were awake to accomplish the task that got them there. Like these apostles, we too must remain spiritually awake this season to experience God’s glory. If we must behold the glory of God revealed in Jesus Christ, we must be ready to make many sacrifices.

The Lenten season offers us the opportunity to make sacrifices. It prepares us for future glory through prayers, good works, reflections, and self-denials. It is a time when we grow in grace to advance faithfully to the mountain of God’s glory.

The transfiguration reassures us that even in our struggles we are moving toward resurrection. When we carry our crosses- whether they be illness, grief or personal battles. We do not carry them alone. Jesus walks with us and His glory is our promise of what is to come.

As we journey through Lent, may we open our hearts to listen to Christ. May we find courage in his love and trust that every step we take no matter how painful is leading us closer to the fullness of life in Him. Amen

1st Sunday of Lent

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we begin this holy season of Lent, the Church invites us to enter into the wilderness with Jesus. In today’s Gospel, we see our Lord being led by the Holy Spirit into the desert, where He fasts for forty days and is tempted by the devil. This moment in Christ’s life is not just an episode from the past; it is a reflection of our own spiritual journey.

The desert is a place of silence, struggle, and purification. It is where we come face to face with ourselves, our weaknesses, and our need for God. Lent, too, is our desert—a time to step away from the distractions of the world and allow the Lord to purify our hearts.

Satan tempts Jesus in three ways: with bread, with power, and with false worship. Each of these speaks to a deeper struggle we all face.
The devil says, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.” Jesus is hungry after fasting, but He refuses to use His divine power for personal gain. He responds, “Man does not live by bread alone.”
How often are we tempted to seek comfort, to fill our lives with material things, thinking they will satisfy us? Jesus reminds us that true fulfillment comes from the Word of God, not from possessions or pleasure. Lent calls us to fasting—not just from food, but from anything that distracts us from God.

The devil then shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and promises them to Him if He only bows down in worship. Jesus refuses, saying, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone shall you serve.”
How often do we seek control over our lives, our futures, or even other people? We sometimes believe that success or power will bring us peace. But true peace comes from surrendering to God’s will, not from worldly achievements. Lent calls us to humility and trust in the Lord.

Finally, the devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and tells Him to throw Himself down, saying that God’s angels will catch Him. But Jesus replies, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”
Sometimes we want guarantees from God. We want proof that He is with us. We want Him to act on our terms. But faith is about trust, not tests. Jesus teaches us that we must believe in God’s love, even when we do not see immediate signs. Lent calls us to deepen our faith through prayer.

My dear friends, Jesus does not overcome temptation through miracles or displays of power. He overcomes by relying on God’s Word. This is our path as well. The three great practices of Lent—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—help us fight temptation and grow in holiness.
• Prayer strengthens us, just as Jesus drew strength from His relationship with the Father.
• Fasting purifies our hearts, reminding us that we depend on God, not earthly things.
• Almsgiving helps us turn our focus from ourselves to others, teaching us true love and generosity.

This Lent, let us enter the desert with Christ. Let us face our struggles honestly, rely on God’s grace, and walk with Jesus toward Easter, where we will celebrate His victory over sin and death.

May the Holy Spirit guide us through this sacred season, just as He led Jesus in the wilderness. Amen.